Wednesday 26 September 2007

Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents

Found this cool Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents on how to blog anonymously. It is produced by Reporters with Borders to help boggers and cyber-dissidents with handy tips and technical advice on how to to remain anonymous and to get round censorship, by choosing the most suitable method for each situation.

To view the site and download the handbook, click

Wednesday 8 August 2007


Came across a new type of blog regarding news in Fiji. It is different from the anti-coup/military blogs like WFC. It's called


And the articles seem to find faults with people against the coup or military and finds the good in the Interim Govt.

You can read more here

Saturday 28 July 2007

Warning to Coup Bloggers and Visitors

Hello all,

Just to let you know the amount of information that a owner of a blog like me can collect from their visitors or even on people who post comments to blogs. YOU CAN BE IDENTIFIED AND TRACKED by the blog owner!

DON"T BELIEVE me, click on the attached picture below from my tracking of my visitors to this blog. I have deleted the IP information that can identify the users.

I can see which country, hostname (ISP), dates, entry/exit pages, number of entries, visit length, browser and OS information and referring URL.

Please bear this in mind when posting hateful or disgraceful comments thinking you can't be tracked. ALL WEBSITE owners can track their visitors and posters like what I have done.

Keep this in mind when visiting websites. You are being watched by BIG BROTHER (owner of the site) :)!!

Happy visiting and blogging.


Recent Visitor Activity


Fiji Coup News

Why Fiji is Crying


Stand up and Speak Out!

Jokes on the Junta

i Taukei


Rerevaka Na Kalou, Ka Doka Na Tui

discombobulated bubu

Good Men (And Women) Doing Something