Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents

Found this cool Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents on how to blog anonymously. It is produced by Reporters with Borders to help boggers and cyber-dissidents with handy tips and technical advice on how to to remain anonymous and to get round censorship, by choosing the most suitable method for each situation.

To view the site and download the handbook, click

Wednesday, 8 August 2007


Came across a new type of blog regarding news in Fiji. It is different from the anti-coup/military blogs like WFC. It's called


And the articles seem to find faults with people against the coup or military and finds the good in the Interim Govt.

You can read more here

Saturday, 28 July 2007

Warning to Coup Bloggers and Visitors

Hello all,

Just to let you know the amount of information that a owner of a blog like me can collect from their visitors or even on people who post comments to blogs. YOU CAN BE IDENTIFIED AND TRACKED by the blog owner!

DON"T BELIEVE me, click on the attached picture below from my tracking of my visitors to this blog. I have deleted the IP information that can identify the users.

I can see which country, hostname (ISP), dates, entry/exit pages, number of entries, visit length, browser and OS information and referring URL.

Please bear this in mind when posting hateful or disgraceful comments thinking you can't be tracked. ALL WEBSITE owners can track their visitors and posters like what I have done.

Keep this in mind when visiting websites. You are being watched by BIG BROTHER (owner of the site) :)!!

Happy visiting and blogging.


Recent Visitor Activity

Monday, 23 July 2007

Change in Fiji Blog Dump Format

I am very busy and don't have the time to keep up with copying all the posts from the popular Fiji coup blogs anymore. I have changed my site to get the headlines of the latest posts from the various blogs. From here, you can get a snapshot view of all the latest Fiji Coup blog posts and click on the posts that interest you to link you directly to that site. Click back to come back and jump to the other posts on other blog sites rather than remember the URL or links to the site.

Sunday, 22 July 2007


Recently, the public was led to believe that another human rights rapist, ahh Leweni, was going to China as Fiji’s Defence Attache. Leweni even alluded to this position and went further to say that he will be leaving in two weeks time.

In actual fact, we at WFC have been studying every single moves and statements of key junta movers and shakers with Leweni being one of them.

For the past weeks, the ahhh spokesman was out of sight and out of mind while coup coup nutty Frank himself took over the spokeman role. During those weeks, Leweni was on a crash course studying the etiquettes of being a diplomat and to show China that he is indeed a diplomatic material kinda guy. He was required to convince China that the prosperity, safety and security of the people of Fiji is his only motive if allowed to represent Fiji to China.

But only late last week, the tune has changed again when it was reported that Leweni will go to China as Fiji’s 1st Secretary (number two to Ambassador) and not as Defence Attache. We also saw him make another re-entry into the limelight, but this time, in a very undiplomatic terrorist move, by threatening and bullying civilians with clips of the junta’s fully armed riots squad on stand-by to shoot striking nurses down should the need arise.

Leweni’s TV appearance has ruffelled some feathers within the Chinese government high echelon. They are disturbed that on the eve of Leweni’s claimed posting to China, the self-imposed diplomat is serious in his warnings to kill women nurses if they become a threat on Tuesday night.

WFC is reliably told that China is seeking an audience with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday to clarify their position that Leweni is a human rights rapist they are finding hard to accept as a diplomat to their country.



WFC sources have found out that the Malaysian Government has rejected Driti as Fiji’s Ambassador to Malaysia.

This confirmation comes in the wake of the military regime’s last minute attempts to convince Malaysia to accept Driti claiming that he comes from the same bloodline as some Fijian soldiers who perished in the Malayan war.

But Driti’s many public utterances against Fiji peoples civil liberties and his personal involvement in torturing certain anti-coup individuals is just too much for the Malaysia government to even consider Driti’s bloody murderous name. And good for them too. Malaysia must distance itself from dangerous terrorists and human rights rapists like Driti.



This nation must be taught the hard lesson that the power of the people must not be taken for granted.

We must be taught the basic lesson that every government that will stand is to be a government of the people for the people by the people.

‘The ultimate solution is war.’ (Winston Churchill). So Great Britian went to war in WWII. For what? For ‘freedom and liberty’. Fiji was and is a beneficiary of that sacrifice.

On the beaches of Normandy men stormed the beaches and many of them never returned home. Droves of men littered the beaches and war fields as they died for freedom and liberty.

In summation Winston Churchill said ; ‘ Never before in the history of mankind have so many done so much for a little’. The number of men and women who stood up for their nation and freedom outweighed the number of people who stayed back home ( the elders, women and little children). They stood up for freedom against tyranny and oppression.

This is the very same freedom from tyranny and opression that we will be standing for on that day. Remember - Jesus came to set the captives free.

He was raised on that cross that you and I may have that freedom. The devil must not have his way in this nation. Jesus died that we be set free.

Lets do this for our nation and our children of tomorrow. Lets put our lives to the line that we be set free. Lets do it with a praying heart that God will lead us to a victory thats worth all the sacrifice.




So let’s all go get beaten up together! Couldn’t be too much worse that a really rough game of rugby? As long as we don’t escalate! Because if we refuse to escalate, all they can do is beat us up! They can’t justify anything else! But let’s not fool ourselves that something valuable like the freedom can ever come cheaply.

Remember the mass of Indian nationalists that Ghandi led to the sea to get salt against the Colonial law and its massed ranks of police enforcers? They got beaten up, but they didn’t care because they were after something more valuable – freedom and nationhood! What are a couple of cuts, bruises or even fractures compared to that? Or worse, what is the temporary damage done to our bodies through blows compared to the lasting damage done to our spirits through cowardice? Especially when our nation and our future now depends upon this generation.

The time for bravery and heroism is at hand people! Fiji needs us to stand up for what is right! The generations to come need us to leave them a legacy of non violent bravery, vision, justice and righteousness! Let’s not shrink from Fiji’s need and leave Graham, Shamima, Laisa and the Unions to carry the flame alone! We may not yet be ready, but Frank has chosen this time to test our mettle!

So the board is set, the pieces are moving. We come to it at last… The great battle of our time!

How will it find us? Fearful? Bloodthirsty? Vengeful? Remember that apartheid South Africa produced much vile and evil suffering! But it also produced Ghandi & Mandela! What will our trials produce in us? If we go through it with God, and conduct ourselves in a Godly way according to his principles, this trial of fire will produce gold in us people!

I leave us with a portion of the St Crispin’s Day speech from Shakespeare’s Henry 5th

Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through my host,
That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart; his passport shall be made,
And crowns for convoy put into his purse;
We would not die in that man\’s company
That fears his fellowship to die with us.
This day is call\’d the feast of Crispian.
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam\’d,
And rouse him at the name of Crispian.
He that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say \’To-morrow is Saint Crispian.\’
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars,
And say \’These wounds I had on Crispian\’s day.\’
Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,
But he\’ll remember, with advantages,
What feats he did that day. Then shall our names,
Familiar in his mouth as household words-
Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester-
Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb\’red.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne\’er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne\’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs\’d they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin\’s day.

Jean D’Ark



Qarase was the Chair, Iloilovatu was the President of NLTB. The latter benefited more from NLTB was Iloilovatu because all his medicine are paid for by NLTB and these costs thousands every month just to keep him alive………….plus his lease income are always paid in advance because the bitch up at Government House controlled all the money. He just signs on the dotted line.

At the end of the day, the action of the Board ends with the President of the Board (Iloilo). He is the chief custodian of the NLTB seal which goes on any legal document approved by the board.

The day to day function is managed by Bakani and supported by his two deputies. There is a Board standing committee chaird by Tu’uakitau and included Nemani Buresova, Keni Dakuidreketi, Vesikula and Ro Mataitini that makes most instant decision outside the ambit of power of the executive management.

In other words, if heads should roll, Iloilo should go first, then Qarase (the two titular heads), then the Board standing committee should also go for they make most of the decisions and really scrutinise and the executive management as well.

It was right for Bakani to go as he was the brain and instigator of the Ballu Khan deal. Semi Tukana offered a cheaper IT alternative that was within the affordability level of NLTB but Ballu being a kaidia also threw in the joint venture carrot.

Bakani’s deputy Joveci Tuinamuana, as head of corporate services should also go (he is now acting GM) as he would have scrutinise all the numbers and also made his contribution to the viability of the project. After all he is the only chartered accountant among the staffs. Mojito Mua should go as he was the project manager of the Connex project.

Now that finishes off Vanua Development.

In terms of the Board, because of their rubber stamping of the deal and giving Pacific Connex the go ahead, they have failed in their fiduciary duties and should also be kicked out. These are Vesikula, Dakuidreketi and Cokanauto.

Dakuidreketi should have done the honourable thing long before and resign from NLTB Board because of his conflict of interest. I cannot understand how the man could sit there and discuss issues such as the Natadola Tourism development project when his company is actively involved in it with it effecting is conscious. He has also done numerous valuations of NLTB properties while being a sitting member of the Board. Now you can see how he just went quietly when asked to go by NLTB.

When it comes to land issues, i.e. real estate, or the main operational mandate of the Board, the buck stops with Bakani and Semi Tabakanalagi, his other deputy. Since Bakani is not a real estate person, then his decisions would be based on whatever Semi feeds him, or Semi’s uncle Ilaitia Caginavanua (the currently suspended Reserves Commissioner).

In a nut shell, forensic accountants should have been brought in straight after Qarikau’s reign instead of trying to sweep everything under the carpet.

As for what the IG government is doing. Their so called investigation of NLTB. They would not know anything about corruption at NLTB even if it gives them a blow job. One have to understand that the rot at NLTB needs the work of forensic accountants and fraud investigators, not Colonels or self proclaimed, self appointed no school land experts consultants like Batibasaga. Nor that auditor from Ministry of Finance whatever his name is. Auditors are not forensic accountants.

Forensic Accountants and Fraud Investigators, do not exist in Fiji. There was never any forensic accountant in Fiji. Whenever a need arises, the accounting firms would source one from overseas. As to police fraud investigators, I think that ketebona police commissioner has fired them all or in the process of doing that last I checked.


Shyster Should Be Probed

copy-of-shyster.jpg Peroxide Blonde, Shyster Shamimi

FijiLive reports that former Vice President Rt Joni Madraiwiwi has called for inquiry into the conduct of part time FHRC Director and full time coup plotter, Shyster Shamimi. You can read the full story here.

Rt Joni told lawyers at the Fiji Law Society Conference earlier today that Shyster’s position had been compromised.

Rt Joni said that Shyster’s recent appointment as Ombudsman and chair of the FHRC “is a slight to many people who have been detained by the military… it reflects adversely on the credibility of both institutions and raises serious questions about the suitability of the appointments.”

Rt Joni said “this is not about personalities, it is about preserving the integrity of the institutions concerned.”

HnC agrees that this peroxide blonde bimbo needs a really good probe :)

Whoever heard of an FHRC Director being an Obdudsman at the same time. All these coup coup supporters are just doubling up on their salaries.

Butako mamaca the bashtarddog!


Former Vice President Appeals To President

fatiaki.jpg Suspended Chief Justice, Daniel Fatiaki

FijiLive reports that former Vice President of the Republic of Fiji Islands, Rt Joni Madraiwiwi, has called on HE The President, Rt Josefa Iloilovatu, to reinstate suspened Chief Justice, Daniel Fatiaki. You can read the full story here.

Rt Joni has joined the call made by numerous other lawyers in the Petition initiated by Suva lawyer, Hermendra Nagin.

The former Vice President called on the incumbent President to resinstate the Chief Justice because no formal charges had yet been laid against him.

FLS President, Devanesh Sharma, added that:-

“If there are no allegations or the allegations have no substance, then I ask the president to re-instate the Chief Justice to his position.”

“It is the only fair and just thing to do.”

HnC joins their calls for Fatiaki’s immediate reinstatement.


Union Leaders Threatened By Illegal PM

show_picture1.jpg Blerry Ulukau, Baini Marama

FijiSunOnline reports that Baini Marama has threatened members and executives of the Unions planning to go on a nationwide strike next week. You can read the full story here.

Baini has told the Unions that they “WILL BE SEVERELY DEALT WITH”.

Baini said:-

“There are political agendas coming out of the proposed strike threat by the Fiji Nurses Association (FNA), Fijian Teachers Association (FTA), Viti Civil Servants Association (VCSA) and the Public Employees Union (PEU) that are not necessarily in the interest of their members.

They seem to be moving beyond union issues to political agendas.

Government respects the unions’ right to go on strike provided they conduct themselves and act responsibly. However, people who are going on strike for political reasons will be dealt with severely.”

What does Baini mean by his statement that people who go on strike “will be dealt with severely.”

Is he talking about arrests, light torture, military organised home invasions?

HnC believes Baini should clarify his statement because the people of Fiji want know exactly what he is threatening our brothers and sisters with. he if can’t clarify it, he should keep his mouth firmly shut and let other people with brains do the talking for him.

The warning by Baini Marama has however has been shrugged off by our brave Union Executives (ie. FICTU execs not the FPSA traitors).

“Our members have nothing to fear. We made sure that we act within the law, and the votes for strike form our members were just overwhelming, it will be a legal strike.”

And so that we don’t forget just how stupid he is, our interim PM has left us with another classic comment for our growing collection:-

“This burden and the pain will need to be shared equitably by all segments of our community. The country’s civil servants cannot be willfully exempted from this. If we were to exclude the civil servants from sharing the burden of the pain that the country as a whole must bear, that would be irresponsible governance.”

Wailei ULUKAU. It was because of you that we are forced to suffer this burden in the first place.

You blerry…. (cover your eyes please)…. %#^$%@^&$*#((&$&&*$(#@%@$!%!#^$*(#)!

Need we say more?



The TV news screening last night of Fijian men in the joint Frank’s Military & Police Forces flaunting their violent civilian attack methodologies, was Leweni’s grand idea to intimidate peaceful nightingale nurses ready to go on strike come midnight Tuesday.

The world saw a group of pathetic two-faced Fijian men, geared up and armed ready to battle it out with these unarmed, mostly female striking civilians.

It was a picture that showed the badly decayed morals of these sick Fijian men who are willing to kill for the sake of their murderous monster leader Frank, who, like Dracula, is thirsting for more blood.

Unfortunately for Frank, Leweni and the IG, the images they tried to intimidate people with is backfiring. For many Fijians, the only image now embedded in their minds is one of martydom and patriotism, with their “For Fiji Ever Fiji” cry. It’s an image bravely expressed by the emotional Taniela Tabu when he said that his life is now in the mercy of Lord God and that he is duty-bound to stand up and fight for his union members rights, even if it takes him down the valley of death, he is ready for he knows that God is with him always.

Such a powerful statement from a courageous man but one that would have undoubtedly stirred up the dormant emotions of many more undecided Fijians who watched the TV news footage last night.

WFC was reliably told that Leweni called Sakiusa Bolaira, Fiji TV One reporter, to join him at the barracks for an exclusive scoop. Leweni wanted maximum coverage and impact and convinced Bolaira that he was going to be the only media personnel allowed to cover the killing rehearsal.

It was a shocking image to many who now realise the severity of the situation unfolding in Fiji.No longer do they have to switch on to CNN or BBC World News to watch Jihad terrorists preparing themselves for a suicide bombing, for such violent TV feeds are now coming right from their own Fiji paradise backyard.

The terrorists ready to attack them are their own fathers, uncles, sons and nephews. Many are saying these men will refuse to pull the trigger if confronted by their angry relatives, but that is yet to be seen and in war, the worst case scenario is the only scenario when it comes to life and death.

Some observers are even saying that Frank’s Military & Police Forces TV strategy is a stupid one. They say it only serves to expose their greatest weakness i.e their small number compared to the masses. According to them, a strong defence force DOES NOT reveal their strength and game-plan beforehand, for winning a war is all about surprise and more surprises. These observers said the footage is a sign of desperation by Frank’s coup clux clan and has created a reverse-psychology to those it was meant for i.e it has created more angry enemies instead of frightening them away.


In Support of Shyster…

shyster.jpg New Ombudsman, Shyster Shamimi

FijiTimesOnline letters to the editor published this particular gem written in support of the Shyster Shamimi’s appointment as Ombudsman.

It reads:-

Doctor Shameem

THE criticisms on the appointment of Doctor (sic) Shaista Shameem as Ombudsman are baseless and hollow.

Dr Shameem is going to do well considering her academic qualification and wealth of experience.

There is no doubt that Dr Shameem is the perfect candidate for that position from what we have seen of her achievements before and after December 5.

She is independent, fair, selfless and determined.

She had never been influenced by any person or authority in her past while making judgments.

Dr Shameem should be honoured for her hard work which has benefited her beloved nation Fiji.

Her appointment as Ombudsman will benefit the judiciary and the human rights movement in Fiji.

Abendra Ram Tahal
San francisco USA

HnC singled out this letter, not because we think it is of any value to the cause of freedom, but because of its good entertainment value.

This letter was purportedly written by a Shyster fan (or relative). But HnC has reason to suspect it was in fact written by Shyster Shamimi in support of herself.

Okay you can pat yourself on the back Shyster for your “academic qualification and wealth of experience”.

Pat yourself on the back also for your “acheivements before and after December 5″.

One special pat on the back for being “independent, fair, self-less and determined”.

And one last pat on the back for having “never been influenced by any person or authority in your past while making judgments”.

According to you, the country should now honour you for your hard work which has benefited your beloved nation Fiji.

Ooookaaaay Shyster Shamimi (aka Arbendrha Ram Tahal - wink! wink!).

After that passionate speech about your imaginary achievements, we at HnC have decided that in spirit of ”moving forward” and for the common good of the inhabitants and citizens of this once proud nation, we will support your appointment as Ombudsman 100%……




WFC, this is the story promised earlier. Sorry it’s late. More details will be sent soon.


Names of some Soldiers who were involved in the Murder of Nimilote Verebasaga

1. Maika from Koro island
2. Alipate Rabitu, brother of Rabitu sisters who were/are part of Netball Fiji, Fijian affairs employee who works as a driver for the Tailevu Provincial Council in the day and puts on his uniform at night.
3. Johnny, a TF, taxi driver, part-Indian/Fijian, eye-witness
4. two others from Vugalei whose names will be given soon

Alipate Rabitu works in the daytime for the Tailevu Provincial Council based in Nausori Town, but wears his army uniform at night. It is sickening to see Alipate Rabitu continuing to work for the Council, which would be expected to on the side of indigenous people, or at the very least the Tailevu people, yet the Council employs people like Rabitu who murder fellow Fijians/Tailevuans. People in Rabitu’s village of Naila (outside Nausori) have started to call him a murderer in his face

Maika from Koro island, resides in Togadravu Village, but left that village straight after the murder and went into hiding until he was caught by the Police in a raid at his sister’s place in Raiwai. He was taken to Nausori police station. Before finally catching him, Police kept quizzing his wife of his whereabouts but they were given the run-around until they caught him.

Enter Teleni & Bainimarama
Maika was caught, and taken to Nausori Police Station. He was later released to two Army officers who were given clear instructions to come and collect Maika from the Police. Armed with a mobile phone, these two army officers dialled a number and gave the phone to selected Police officers in Nausori, who quickly found out that the voice on the other side wanting to talk with them belonged to none other than Captain Esala Teleni (Deputy Army Commander and since then the new Police Commissioner and promoted to Commodore), and Bainimarama, who threateningly and menacingly inquired with them why they were still pursuing the Verebasaga case. These two Army thugs or bullies (Teleni & Bainimarama) then told the investigating police officers in no uncertain terms over the phone to find a new job …etc. Now that Teleni has taken over the reigns of the Police Force, he is expected to close down the investigation into Verebasaga’s murder case, and kick out these police officers who were investigating the murder.

Johnny, the other soldier in the group who was a best friend of Nimilote, also drove taxi with him when he was not wearing an army uniform, did not want to take part in the murder, but the other soldiers forced him to. He was even beaten up that same night by his colleagues, for not assisting them in beating up his good friend NV.

Another soldier is from Vugalei. Most of these soldiers are from Tailevu Province.

Verebasaga never caused any problem with the Army. That fateful night he was sleeping with his two daughters, who woke up just in time to see their father being taken away. It was to be the last time they would see their father alive.

Verebasaga has/had friends in the army, who have helped identify the murderers. These relatives were very sad when they learned about the killing of NV. Some of them also saw the dead body of NV, as early as one and a half hour after being taken from his home.

Two policemen, one from Tokatoka, one from Buretu, who are close relatives of NV were witnesses of the brutal killing. Nimilote’s family members know the two police officers personally. These policemen told the story of what happened to NV. When the Army found out that these two had spilled the beans, they were taken up to the army camp, made to crawl and other punishment was done to them because they told the story. But as expected these two couldn’t hold back but had to tell because they knew Verebasaga personally.

It seems that the Tailevu Provincial Council is using the army to do their dirty jobs, using one of the workers to do it. Council driver Alipate Rabitu brags to others in the daytime about the unlawful activities mandhandling, harassing, activities that he does in the nights. We have witnessed his handicapped children. Now Nimilote’s blood is on his head and his descendants. And those in the Tailevu council who got him to do their dirty business.

All these information is known among Rabitu’s fellow villagers. Rabitu even told the story himself to the girl he is sleeping with right now (not even his wife knows about this and his affairs), very young girl from the nearby village (veiyala)

Directive from RFMF is that whenever any of these police officers try to interrogate Rabitu, Rabitu is to report it straight away to Army HQ…. who will punish these police officers ….

It would seem that the issue in the NV murder case is the dispute about the title of the Tui Nakelo. One faction is led by Ratu Ravuama, assistant Roko Tui Tailevu, a nephew of Ratu Manasa Talakuli (husband of Adi Samanunu Talakuli of Bau, former Fiji High Commissioner to Malaysia) who is a contender to the title. Ratu Manasa, according to the Veitarogi Vanua, is from Kiuva (where Bainimarama comes from (his roots can be traced to Gau island in the Lomaiviti group), and is also a close relative of VB, the Army Commander and Interim PM.
The other faction is of Ratu Vula, who, according to Veitarogi Vanua is registered twice, to his mother’s side and to his father’s side. But he is the rightful Tui Nakelo, according to the VeitarogiVanua. NV’s family/clan is on Ratu Vula’s side to take the title of Tui Nakelo, because they have evidence that he is the rightul owner of the title. Ratu Manasa can’t be Tui Nakelo because he’s from Kiuva.

Why is NV’s family involved? Ratu Manasa and his family, including the Assistant Roko Tui Tailevu’s family, have been claiming the Verebasaga family land as theirs, for years, but the NLTB with written documents have given NV’s family a lot of documents showing that NV’s family are legal and rightful owners of the land.
A week before NV’s murder, Army started to harass two of NV’s brother’s sons (late teens - early youth age), made them crawl, asked them questions on issues that only the Tailevu Provincial Council officers or insiders knew about. How were these two innocent youth to know about these things? This is where the Provincial Council is believed to have a hand in this murder, if not officially, at least by one of its senior officers.

WHY KILL NV? He is a registered surveyor, he knows the map, the land, the NLTB documents, in short, he knew the truth.
To his village and his mataqali, Nimilote is a savior, being instrumental in returning to his clan the land which Ratu Ravuama and his uncle Ratu Manasa Talakuli and his family, who are originally from Kiuva, have been using and abusing ….

Now we know why the Army came in – the connection from Kiuva; why the Tailevu Council came in – the connection from Ratu Ravuama; why an employee of the Council was used – because the Roko Tui Tailevu, Ratu Ravuama is from Kiuva
This story is known amongst families and friends. This is how far the Army has gone in their Clean-up campaign

It seems that this is a different coup in that all kinds of agendas are on the table, personal, traditional, …etc.



Global Human Rights lobbists are currently walking the corridors of power in the UN Head Office in New York demanding the alienation of Fiji military regime’s Col Smith as Fiji’s UN rep to the Big Apple.

WFC sources say the lobbists seem to have the support of the US government and Col Smith is likely to face un-friendly resistance there.

Insiders told us that Col Smith lost out on a lucrative assignment because of the coup. Sources said he was going to be the first Fijian military personnel ever to work in Pentagon’s nerve centre, a bilateral military arrangement USA had with Fiji prior to 5/12.

They said his trip was cancelled immediately after 5/12 with Frank now wanting to make it good with Col Smith by appointing him as Fiji’s UN rep. In a way, Frank is teasing USA and telling them, go get stuffed, my Col Smith is going to UN HQ. We don’t need USA”. But let’s wait and see as we are told that interesting development will soon unfold.



Radio Fiji News

MALAYSIA’S oldest human rights group aliran has urged the Government there to distance itself from Fiji’s Interim Regime which is trying to appoint Colonel Pita Driti as its envoy to Kuala Lumpur.

In a statement from Aliran a Malaysian group that champions freedom and democracy today urged its government to consider human rights when allowing the appointment of a new Fiji high commissioner.

Pacnews quotes Aliran president P Ramakrishna as saying in the statement that Colonel Driti’s appointment should be considered in light of claims about his human rights record.

The letter said the Malaysian Government must take into consideration Driti’s role in the overthrow of the Government here.

Ramakrishna said Malaysia has always advocated peaceful and democratic transition of government through the electoral process and should therefore consider distancing itself from those who come to power through the barrel of the gun.

Driti, Lieutenant Colonel Mason Smith and Colonel Driti have been undergoing orientation at the Foreign Ministry ahead of the diplomatic appointments.

Foreign Minister permanent secretary Ross Ligairi told Radio Gold this week Smith would leave for his New York appointment in two weeks.



Our team here at WFC can’t help but notice that it is our women folks who seem to be the real warriors in Fiji’s fight to a return to democracy and rule of law.

They have stood out as our warriors in the frontline, engaged in some of the most intense battle waged by Frank’s dictatorial regime since 5/12.

It has made us, the “pufta” men folks (whatever) in this WFC Head Office, kind of “madua”. But we have this arrangement going here where we boys take turn to cook our team’s meals everyday as we blog on. We tried cooking Fijian curry for lunch but it turned out to be a pot of stew simply because, you know, we don’t have the Punja curry powder, masala, hardi and those other nice curry spices you guys have at home. Damn, how we miss it here!

Anyways, back to our nightingale nurses.

These valiant warriors are peacefully marching in to launch an all-out peaceful assault on the junta with their strike coming up in 4 days time.

Somehow, we can hear them saying:

“Come on husbands, uncles, brothers, nephews and grand-pas of Fiji. Don’t be sitting ducks waiting to be plucked alive!It’s time to get out of the pew and head to the frontline. It’s time to take the offensive against the enemy instead of sitting back and reacting. It’s time to become proactive instead of reactive or inactive. We the nightingale nurses of Fiji have sounded the batlle cry, and now it’s time to go forth in the mighty power of God.

P.S This is an invitation by WFC to all of you in Fiji to peacefully support our Fiji 1400 nightingale nurses as they prepare to go on strike.



WFC agents have found out from our FIRCA sources that a good number of Frank’s military regime ministers have pending tax-return cases against them.

One of them is none other than coup coup nutty Frank himself and his lost AG, Aiarse Khaiyum.

While nutty Frank is fervently claiming that his regime is after the tax-evading prominent individuals of Fiji, this new revelation of the tax-evading KoManDa and his baby legal advisor is another classic example of the rot that is piling up within Frank’s coup clux clan.

WFC sources say many of the illegal interim Ministers and their supporters are desperately seeking assistance from dodgy backyard accountants to lodge their pending tax return.

So much for cleaning up aye!….. Frank and his goons need a good water-blasting session to wash off their stinking dirt!


1%? …. BIG DEAL!!!

FPSA Rajeshwar Singh is commonly known as another unionist like Felixa Anthony and Daniel Urai with strong leanings towards the Fiji Labor Labor and Frank’s military regime.

His decision to sell his members short by signing off at restoring only a meagre 1% of their total 5% pay cut is embarrasing a result for a union negotiator. He has not only failed miserably but his allegiance to Mahen Chodo has once again taken over his objectivity i.e to protect the interest of FPSA members at all times and not to short-change them.

So how important is this 1% to warrant the full-on press conference they organised during the agreement signing?

An average FPSA member takes home $200 salary pack per fortnight. It means that Rajeshwar has managed to put back a lousy $2 to an average member’s fortnightly paypack, not enough to buy a pile of cassava except a large contaminated tin mackerel.

1%? …….. Big bloody useless deal!!!!!



The PM had recommended that Graham Leung could stowaway if he wants to get out of the country.

How can a PM recommend someone to do something illegal?

If he is condoning such illegal activities, then the formation of the anti-Corruption Unit is nothing but a waste of taxpayers money.

Jone Nakauvadra



Hemedra Nagin’s lawyers petition is gaining overwhelming support from the legal fraternity with many more expected to sign at their Nadi meeting tomorrow.

The petition, which WFC legal sources say will be submitted to the useless puppet Pressie next week is another cause for concern in Frank’s military regime, quite apart from that impending strike ready to happen later this month by the Fiji Nurses Association.

Our spies say Aiarse is working overtime thinking out a strategy to diffuse the petition but those close to him say he ain’t got one. They say he twidels around with his “lucky charm” necklace all day long and calls upon his new-found friends, full-chow Teleni and adulterous Leweni for lunch almost everyday to boost his sense of security and self-importance.

Judging from Aiarse’s stupid and shallow moves thus far, one can easily predict how he is spending his whole week - drafting that puppet Pressie’s bullshit letter in response to the lawyers petition, and lapping it up with his secretary girlfriend while she spell checks the drafts.



One of the junta’s popular word since 5/12 is “insignificant”. Their ahhh spokesman Leweni uses it very often and so does coconut-headed Frank.

But how apt. The same word is now hurled back at them by FICTU’s General Secretary, Attar Singh.

WFC is reliably told the strike will most definitely happen. There is no two hoots about it.

The strike contingency plan presented on powerpoint to the cabinet crackers by full-chow pot-belly Teleni claim that the very people they trampled on and retired will be re-called to hold the fort.

Are these people for real? First, they crucify our wisdom-filled seniors by kicking them out of their jobs and next thing we hear, Frank and his goons are begging them to come back and fill-in for the younger ones. WFC agents say most of these retired seniors are not interested to help out as they themselves are against the lowering of the retiring age from 60 to 55. They will be at the strike venues with their placards.

With the junta’s threat to terminate the jobs of those who go on strike, WFC is informed that the many thousands who will be affected will be too many to replace all at once by the junta. Even if it does happen, having these many unemployed smart people around is like having walking time bombs not afraid to detonate any time, any place. It will be too much for the military regime to handle, especially when they have less than 5,000 officers to contain more than 600,000 dissidents. The military is really “insignificant” when the masses move.


Pramesh Chand Reply to Fiji Times

pramesh2.jpg Chief Coup Plotter, PramASS Chand

Today’s Fiji Times letters to the editor has PramASS Chand’s reply to the FT Editorial of 18 July. You can read that editorial in “Fiji Times: Hole Gets Deeper”.

His reply titled “Bleak Overview” reads:-

Your editorial (FT 18/7) is pessimistic and an unnecessarily alarmist overview of Fiji’s situation.

The tone and content are deliberately pitched to paint a bleak and negative assessment of our situation and which can only lead to mislead and misinform the people.

The situation is not all gloom and doom as you appear to surmise.

Indeed, the interim government has a clear mandate from the President to take the country forward socially, economically and governance wise. Over the past six months, the interim Government has been committed and focused on achieving elements of this mandate, including stabilising the national economy, fighting widespread corruption, developing programs to uplift the living standards of the poor and disadvantaged, upholding the Constitution and preparing for a return to parliamentary governance through democratic elections.

Other objectives are to restructure the Native Land Trust Board to ensure more benefits to the landowners, improve foreign relations and give paramountcy to national security and the territorial integrity of Fiji.

And the report card for the past six months has been enlightening in terms of the work and tasks achieved by the interim Government in fulfiling the President’s mandate.

These achievements include:

Revising the 2007 Budget and thereby securing financial and economic stability;

removing 2.5 per cent VAT;

promulgation of anti-corruption legislation;

inclusiveness: discrimination being removed at all levels;

reviving the sugar industry to ensure its long term viability;

reorganisation of State owned entities and civil service reforms; and

the promulgation of 30 decrees.

The interim Government is committed to a roadmap for returning Fiji to parliamentary democracy. This roadmap requires that a national census is convened in September this year and consequential actions to follow include the determination of new electoral boundaries, establishing voter registration systems, conducting national voter education and awareness programs and the agreement in principle for the convening of a general election by March 2009 at the earliest.

From this brief elaboration, you will no doubt agree that the interim Government has achieved a number of positive and beneficial milestones in a short period of time.

It will remain committed and focused to fully implementing the mandate of the President, thus ensuring the orderly return to elected parliamentary governance and providing a sustainable basis for our future development as a nation.

Your editorial alludes to the appointment of Manasa Baravilala, the son of an interim Government minister, as you put it as chairman of Air Terminal Services Limited.

In fact, Mr Baravilala well merits his appointment having had extensive experience in the airline and travel industry.

He possesses graduate and post-graduate qualifications in Business Management and Business Administration from the University of California, in Los Angeles, and a post-graduate diploma in senior airline management from the International Aviation Management Institute in Montreal, Canada.

Mr Baravilala’s previous work experience includes stints as deputy CEO and director of marketing with Air Fiji Limited, regional director for the Americas with the Fiji Visitors Bureau and manager, passenger sales USA with Air Pacific Limited.

Mr Baravilala is therefore well positioned to take on the appointment of ATS chairman and should not be penalised by virtue of his parentage as your editorial suggests.

In summary, your editorial unfairly penalises the interim Government with a selection of subjective and mostly negative reports without a recourse to balance and accuracy.

Parmesh Chand
Permanent Secretary
Prime Minister’s Office
Home Affairs
Immigration And Information

Yeah Yeah Yeah. PramASS who are you trying to kid?

Sometimes I wonder whether you actually believe the garbage coming out of your own mouth.

I wonder whether you sometimes think to yourself in mid-speech - shit am I actually saying all this stuff?

Everything you wrote above is PRO-COUP PROPOGANDA in its purest form - ie. straight from the horse’s mouth.

Clearly, PramASS had a very very big part to play in the planning of the 5/12 coup. The justifications are the same as what Baini was trying to say before he took over.

Of course, Baini needs PramASS to articulate all that for him because if Baini were to attempt and explain his own coup propoganda, the message would probably end up sounding less like it came from the horse’s mouth and more like it came from the horse’s ass!

As for the FT Editorial, HnC says this.

Sorry PramASS, the doom and gloom portrayed in yesterday’s editorial is the TRUTH.

The media should not have to paint a rosy picture of Fiji’s situation just because you and your looney boss want to make it like you’re doing a good job running this country - because you’re not!

You’re failing miserably at that and the world should be allowed to hear about it!

As a wise cook once said “If you can’t stand the HEAT, get out of the frakkin kitchen… and why the frak did you go into the kitchen in the first place?”



The looming national strike by the FICTU affiliated union members and FNA will be a major disaster to the junta. It is a beginning to their rapid fall.

As we had earlier reported, this national strike will be used by many as a platform to show resistance to Frank’s regime by not only striking members of FICTU and others, but ordinary Fiji citizens who are against this regime.

The strike is expected to be a catalyst for “peoples power” in action with some predicting that it could very well get out of control into something never witnessed before in Fiji.

Parents are expected to keep their children at home with restricted movement in and around major urban centres. Retail shops are also expected to beef up on their security with shutters likely to cover all shop exterior in anticipation of massive chaos and disorder.

Nutty Frank’s unconvincing radio talk that the strike will only make things worse for the strikers is nothing but another rotten coconutty blurb.

As we count down to the nation wide strike,watch as the greenies take their position in public areas to intimidate members of the public.


Ram: I Swear To Any God You Want…

rishi-ram.jpg Puppet PSC Chairman, Rishi Ram

FijiTimesOnline reports that Rishi Ram is prepared to to swear to any God you can think of to prove that he was not pressured or influenced into appointing Shyster Shamimi to the position of Ombdusman. You can read the full story here.

Rishi Ram said:-

“I am willing to take an oath on the Bible, Koran, Gita or any other holy book to prove there was no external pressure put on the commission…”

What a hoot!

This man must be as mad as a hatter if thinks that swearing on a stack of Bibles is somehow irrefutable proof that he is telling the truth.

Sorry buddy, maybe on another planet - not here on earth!

All that statement proves is that this man is willing to compromise his religious principles to further his own personal advancement and the agenda of his quacky hero, Baini Marama.

Everyone in Fiji KNEW that Shyster was going to get the job.

Everyone in Fiji KNEW that Shyster was going to get the job because Baini Marama needed another gunslinger to take up the corruption cases if FICAC should be declared illegal.

Who better to do it than the person tasked under the Constitution to review statutory compliance by government officials and government bodies.

Who better to do it than the person who has sworn absolute fealty to Baini Marama.

As for Rishi Ram and his wild claims that he was not influenced by Baini, I suggest Trial by Ordeal to prove your innocence.



Noticed how masipolo Naupoto jumped to the phone to make that call to Graham Leung and Shamima Ali after they threatened to take legal action when they were stopped at Nadi airport?

Now, how about the other innocent civilians like Keni Dakuidreketi, Francis Herman, Laisa Digitaki and her daughter Natasha, and many others highlighted in the media recently. WFC is told there are hundreds more on the list who do not even know that they are part of the blacklist.

We wonder whether the same type of zest shown by Naupoto to free Leung and Ali can be applied to other affected civilians who have no reason to be stopped from travelling.

One thing is for sure though, nutty Frank, Naupoto and Aiarse are in for a smogasboard of law suits. Law suits that will demand damages which they will be required to pay from their own personal pockets and not necessarily from the innocent taxpayers. Ia kachia!!!!


Clean Up Campaign Failing

There are telling signs that the “clean up campaign” is becoming more and more unpopular amongst the ordinary people of Fiji as the military controlled IG continues with its unholy crusade to replace qualified senior civil servants and board members with those close to Baini - including underqualifed opportunistic “yes-men” from senior military ranks.

The latest spectacle is still unfolding at FIRCA.

FijiLive reports that the illegal interim Minister for Local Government, Urban Development and Public Utilities, Jone Navakamocea, is calling for the resignation of FIRCA Chief Executive, Tevita Banuve. You can read the full story here.

However, FIRCA Association General Secretary, Kenneth Zinck, says the Assocation is behind Baunve 100%.

Zinck has questioned the motives and agenda of the miiltary IG, FICAC and Navakamocea in calling for Banuve’s resignation.

HnC sources have confirmed that if Banuve is compelled to resign or is sacked, the FIRCA Association will take industrial action against the IG in support of Banuve.

It would seem therefore that the glorious clean up campaign is running into more and more brick walls as more and more people wise up to the fact that this so called ”clean-up” campaign is nothing more than Baini’s “find a (good high paying) job for my unemployable mates” campaign.

More and more people are finding the recent irrational actions of the military IG and its narcisstic PM harder to swallow.

Ordinary people are finding it harder and harder to understand the logic behind the decision to replace a good person like Tevita Banuve simply because he was doing his job and protecting the confidentiality of tax records - as this is a requirement of the law.

It is expected that Banuve will be succeeded by either a military officer, an FLP supporter or a failed NPAF candidate.

It is also expected that Rishi Ram will once again offer to swear on the Bible, Koran, Gita or any other holy book to prove there was no external pressure put on him or the commission to select Banuve’s replacement.

HnC understands that morale in all government departments are at an all time low with top people uncertain whether they will still have a job this time next year.

HnC also understands military officers close to Baini Marama are falling over themselves trying to “soli maka” to their Commander so that they can be considered for a high paid job in one of many quasi-government organisations being ”cleaned-up” by this illegal junta.

The “find a job” campaign is also attracting alot of criticism around the evening tanoa sessions of the many households in Fiji who have had at least one close family member affected by the actions of these greedy goblins from Delainabua.

HnC legal sources say the terminations being carried out by the military IG are all illegal and the legal bill for the State after all the court cases have run their course is going to be enormous.

At the end of the day, the one thing that is clear is that this military IG is failing, and failing badly, to win the support of the ordinary people of Fiji -especially since its crusade against alleged corruption is still yet to yield any results 8 months down the line.



This gold-finger slimy snake Himmat Lodhia is now crying foul for the decline in business, increasing cost of running a business, break-ins etc.

This is the same man who welcomed the 5/12 coup and the military presence on the streets. He even boasted that business was doing very well and that retailers were not feeling the pinch of the coup. He supported the coup, pants down, and cried out to Frank that his soldiers continue manning the check-points and to dress them down with bula shirts completed with hibiscus hand-painted rifles for that Bula Spirit look.

But now he wants to fool the people again with his sorry doom and gloom story to jack up his business. Sorry Himmat, you can fool some people some time, but not all the people all the time!



The stinking state of the nation caused by Frank’s 5/12 coup is not a joke anymore. Fiji is literally stinking with human stench.

Water cuts to most densely populated areas is now on its third week going and people are resorting to fire hydrants to fill up their buckets, bottles and aluminium pots.

The dirty water is causing many forms of sickness with running stomach topping the list. The running stomach epidemic gets worse with hardly any water to flush off peoples over-used toilet leaving a permanent stench in the air.

Having a shower is a luxury and an expensive exercise with people migrating to their extended family’s homes that have running water for a good wash or for their laundry.

But coup coup nutty Frank doesn’t give a damn. His hold on to power is more important to him than the blumen water problem.Don’t be suprised to hear him say something like, “tell those stinking people to go to Fiji Water and buy their water”.

So Frank, you think running a nation is as easy as abc? Think again you fool!




WFC Fiji agents say the security measures taken by coup coup nutty Frank’s personal protection unit has stepped up once again.

Why? Because an ordinary Fijian was able to defy Frank’s “security net and intelligence” and took time to pretend that he was “dah man” as he sipped his can of lemonade from the chair of the Prime Minister.

Now how’z dat for the finale of the “FRANK THE PRETENDER”blockbuster movie series?

50 soldiers are said to be on duty 24/7, sweeping and manning a 1 km radius range around Frank. This exercise was quite revealing at a funeral attended by Frank two days ago where bullet-proof vested bodyguards provided a human shield around Frank while other snippers were camouflaged as trees and shrubs at the cemetary grounds watching the movement of everyone present by the graveside.

So what is nutty Frank scared of? That a coconut will fall on his head and make him more nutty?

The guy’s action and the unbecoming words he utters is a tell-tale sign of a serious mental nut case.



Rember this news piece?…………

Bainimarama: Leung can stowaway

INTERIM Prime Minister Commander Voreqe Bainimarama says lawyer Graham Leung
could ”go to court if he wanted or he could stowaway…but he is not going anywhere”, according to a news report on Legend FM this morning.

REALITY - Frank got very scared by Leung’s court case that he instructed his talla falla sucker, Pramesh Chand, to call Naupoto to lift Leung’s ban immediately. Naupoto masipolo personally called Leung that same night to tell him the ban was off. As for that stowaway comment by that blurry fool Frank, it reveals what’s in his heart. What comes out from the mouth is from the heart so the guy must be quietly contemplating to stowaway from his death sentence that will befall him sooner or later.

Commander Bainimarama questioned why lawyers were defending their own rights
and not the rights of those banned from going to Australia and New Zealand, like members of the interim regime.

REALITY - Why should lawyers waste their precious resources in representing a bunch of thugs who continue to break the law and tear up the 1997 Constitution every single day? Australia and New Zealand have enough criminals to handle and don’t need more coup-infected criminals on their turf.

In a similar statement carried by local media, interim Attorney-General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum said lawyers were being selective in standing up for human rights, and that they ought also to be standing up for the rights of those banned from traveling to New Zealand and Australia, including those in the interim regime banned by both countries.

REALITY - Like every citizen in Fiji, members of the IG had a choice to make, to support the coup or not. Their acceptance to their IG posts clearly show that they support the coup and its subsequent regime, therefore the challenges they are facing now like travel bans to other countries is all self-inflicted. They can still withdraw their support and walk away from their current station, a choice that will inevitably give them back their travel freedom to Australia, New Zealand and USA. But no, they still want to continue siding with Frank’s coup criminal clan and want to continue travelling the world like a non-criminal. Sorry IG goons, things don’t work that way.You have all made your choices, now face the consequences and your upcoming jail terms.

The military regime continues to maintain that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is still in existence and that all rights and freedoms, including free speech and free movement are guaranteed.

REALITY - Lies, lies and more lies.




The office of the United Nations is showing its true color again i.e that it supports coup perpetrators by accepting one of their own military personnel appointments to UN Head Office in NewYork.

The least UN should have done was to reject Col Smith’s name and demand the junta that only civilians be recommended to the post. There are many honorable law-abiding citizens of Fiji that can do the job.

UN’s acceptance of Col Smith is a pathetic decision that reeks of double standard and unethical motives by UN.


Foot In Mouth OR Just Plain Mad

Yesterday Morning:

Baini Marama told FijiVillage that Graeme Leung was banned from travelling because he has been going overseas and misleading the international community about what is happening in Fiji (ie. telling the truth).

He said, Leung will be on a travel ban for some time yet and will NOT be allowed to leave the country. You can read the full story here.

Yesterday Afternoon:

Baini told Legend FM News that Leung could ”go to court if he wanted or he could stowaway… but he is not going anywhere.”


The IG has lifted the travel ban against Graeme Leung. You can read the full story here.

Now what the hell is going on here?

Was Baini just forced to eat his own words?

Has Baini been forced retract his statement only ONE DAY after he made it.

Anyone want to guess just how pissed Baini marama is right now?



Everybody knows how desperate this military regime is when it comes to money. They are soo desperate even to the point of kissing asses in China, India and anyone else dangling money around.

Now, two naval entrepreneurs are having a go at making ”big” bucks (they think) in Fiji. Director Immigration Naupoto and his line Minister, nutty Frank, are rolling out their cutting-edge entrepreneurial concept at the Immigration Department. A concept that will sure revive Fiji’s doomed economy and one that will take the market by storm.

Their simple enterprising concept is this:

  1. Include as many people as possible on the travel ban list, especially the law-abiding ones.
  2. Stop them at Nadi Airport.
  3. Tell them to keep their big mouth shut or else order FICAC or Ului Mara’s boys to raid their homes.
  4. If they speak to the media, Naupoto to call them and apologize and courteously tell them it was a big mistake and that they can still travel.
  5. If they don’t speak to the media, then set sara ga. Charge them $12 everytime they visit the Immigration office to check whether their name is still on the list.

Sack The Bugger

I borrowed this picture from Jokes on the Junta. You are encouraged to view that blog for more light relief from the doom and gloom we are all currently facing in Fiji -


Thank you KTF, this one’s a real gem.

One can only wonder what else could have been going through this conwoman’s head when they took that photo?

Good thing they sacked the bugger!



Suspended FIRCA CEO, Tevita Banuve, is a great example to many Fiji citizens.

Here is a man who has lost his job simply because he refused to give in to the illegal demands of FICAC to release confidential information about certain clients of theirs.

FICAC’s bulldozing tactic is becoming a laughing stock and a big joke to those who have been subjected to their raids. Some said the group were not even sure what they were looking for and seem to be on a wild goose chase with no mission.

Their latest attack at FIRCA office is nothing but another hype to show the people that they control the show. WFC sources say FICAC is on a personal mission ordered by Mahen Chaudhry to “finish off” Tevita Banuve, someone he’s been trying to get rid off for quite some time now.

While we have mentioned military lawyer, Amani Bale as Tevita Banuve’s likely replacement, we have received fresh information that Mahen’s own boy, Pramod, who is back in FIRCA after his short stint in FNPF, will get the job.

These sources said it was a promise made by Mahen to Pramod well before he was plucked out of FIRCA to FNPF and now back to FIRCA.

WFC understand that Pramod has extracted all the information he and Mahen Chodo needed from FNPF regarding some high profile individuals which he is now using at FIRCA.



INTERIM Public Service Minister Poseci Bune was upstaged by a delegate from Palau at the recent United Nations meeting in Vienna on Civil Service Governance.

Radio Fiji Gold News understands the Pacific caucus at the meeting chose Bune to deliver the Pacific position on the issue but when Bune turned up the delegate from Palau was on the podium with a prepared paper.

The Palau delegate would not budge when told by Bune the Pacific caucus had selected Fiji to deliver the Pacific position.

The Palaun continued to make his presentation while Bune was told his presentation would be posted on the UN website.

The Permanent Secretary for Public Service and Public Sector Reforms Taina Tagicakibau who was part of the Fiji delegation has been approached for comment.


Fiji Times: Hole Gets Deeper

Today’s Fiji Times Editorial is a good summary of the current situation in Fiji.

It is a situation which pro-democracy bloggers have been saying all along would eventuate if this illegal regime is left to operate unchecked and unchallenged.

The editorial reads:-

AS each day passes, we wonder if it is at all possible to maintain some semblance of good and rational judgment on how the nation is governed.

As each week passes, we wonder if it will be at all possible to return this nation to parliamentary democracy.

As another month passes, we wonder if indeed this military-style clean-up campaign will ever end.

We watch as friends and relatives of those in power take up important positions in the civil service and public institutions.

The latest is that of the son of an interim Cabinet minister appearing from nowhere and given the chairmanship of an organisation which the State holds majority shares in.

We see how FICAC officers try to force confidential information on particular persons from statute-guided institutions such as the Fiji Development Bank, Fijian Holdings and Fiji Inland Revenue and Customs Authority.

The morale of workers in these institutions and that of civil servants is dented. In the face of the initial statement by military commander Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama that no one in the military was going to benefit from the coup, we see senior military officers being posted to high-level posts in the civil service.

It seems that rules are changed as situations and circumstances change.

The appointments to such high positions are becoming almost predictable now with the sympathisers of the events of 5/12 getting the nod ahead of others.

No, that’s not nepotism or corruption, we are told. They are all best-man-for-the-job appointments.

The message coming out of the fourth floor of Government Buildings points to an election to be held only when the President’s mandate has been successfully fulfilled.

Forget about honouring the roadmaps and agreements with the European Union or the Pacific Island nations’ forum.

It looks like we do not really need the EU’s multi-million dollar financial package any longer because there is always the soft loan from China we can fall back on.

Our children watch helplessly as their parents and family members are laid off work or have their pay cut because of the deteriorating economic situation.

We watch as some of the freedoms guaranteed in the supreme law of the land, such as freedom of movement and speech, are curtailed without any proper explanation or legal reasoning.

We wonder if and when we will ever get out of this deepening hole we are digging for ourselves.

And sadly, there are very few positive things we can be pleased and talk about these days.

We hate to say it but we did tell you so!

Bloggers have predicting increased instances of corruption, nepotism and human rights violations by this illegal junta.

This is only possible because the mainstream media (unlike the pro-democracy bloggers) have been pulling back their punches.

Isn’t it about time the mainstream media got on board with the mission of pro-democracy bloggers and work towards making a more concerted effort to expose, challenge and publish all the wrongs being perpertrated by this illegal regime.

Simply trying to report the news without offering an indepth anaylsis of where the IG is taking this country is the same thing as offering their tacit support to the military regime to continue to do what they do - afterall if IG continue to act this way, the mainstream media will continue to make more sales - but at what expense?

The country needs the mainstream media to be more pro-active in our collective fight for what is right. It is afterall for the good of the nation as a whole.

The mainstream media cannot take an “independent” stance in all this because they are in a unique position to effect real change in public opinion on the virtues (or lack thereof) of this coup.

The pro-democracy bloggers cannot do this on their own and the mainstream media must play their part in exposing these culprits or the next time they happen to take a good look at the country - they might no longer recognise it.



WFC have established that members of the Fiji Nurses Association and Fijian Teachers Association will be joined by indigenous Fijian masses at their protest venues.

WFC is reliably told that the nurses and teachers have the support of majority Fijians who are ready to show their support come strike time. It is expected these Fijian supporters will visit these protestors with food, money, grog and the usual Fijian “giving” gesture, something similar to that in 2000 when masses of Fijians moved to Parliament House to show their support.

Full-chow Teleni is aware of these plans and he knows he will be out-numbered.



Hemendra Nagin, senior partner of Sherani Law Firm, was first mentioned in our RFC blog as FNPF’s lawyer. WFC sources say he has been instrumental in talking some sense to the new controversial FNPF Board and management that the military regime’s mandate they are following is a pie in the sky.

Nagin is husband to no-nonsense Magistrate Aruna and the couple is known to be strong advocates of democracy and rule of law.

Nagin is now spead-heading the lawyers petition to the puppet Pressie to reinstate the suspended CJ Fatiaki and in the process, putting his neck on Frank’s chopping board as one seen to be against the junta.

But Nagin will not be deterred for he, like Graham Leung, Richard Naidu, Tupou Draunidalo, Ratu Joni Madariwiwi and others will fearlessly fight on for law and order in Fiji.

WFC says - You go Nagin. Job well done!



Wednesday, July 18, 2007 - Fiji Times Online

AS each day passes, we wonder if it is at all possible to maintain some semblance of good and rational judgment on how the nation is governed.

As each week passes, we wonder if it will be at all possible to return this nation to parliamentary democracy.

As another month passes, we wonder if indeed this military-style clean-up campaign will ever end.

We watch as friends and relatives of those in power take up important positions in the civil service and public institutions.

The latest is that of the son of an interim Cabinet minister appearing from nowhere and given the chairmanship of an organisation which the State holds majority shares in.

We see how FICAC officers try to force confidential information on particular persons from statute-guided institutions such as the Fiji Development Bank, Fijian Holdings and Fiji Inland Revenue and Customs Authority.

The morale of workers in these institutions and that of civil servants is dented. In the face of the initial statement by military commander Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama that no one in the military was going to benefit from the coup, we see senior military officers being posted to high-level posts in the civil service.

It seems that rules are changed as situations and circumstances change.

The appointments to such high positions are becoming almost predictable now with the sympathisers of the events of 5/12 getting the nod ahead of others.

No, that’s not nepotism or corruption, we are told. They are all best-man-for-the-job appointments.

The message coming out of the fourth floor of Government Buildings points to an election to be held only when the President’s mandate has been successfully fulfilled.

Forget about honouring the roadmaps and agreements with the European Union or the Pacific Island nations’ forum.

It looks like we do not really need the EU’s multi-million dollar financial package any longer because there is always the soft loan from China we can fall back on.

Our children watch helplessly as their parents and family members are laid off work or have their pay cut because of the deteriorating economic situation.

We watch as some of the freedoms guaranteed in the supreme law of the land, such as freedom of movement and speech, are curtailed without any proper explanation or legal reasoning.

We wonder if and when we will ever get out of this deepening hole we are digging for ourselves.

And sadly, there are very few positive things we can be pleased and talk about these days.



One of full-chow Teleni’s unsaid job description is not to jail the murderer Francis Kean, coup coup nutty Frank’s brother-in-law.

So much so that Teleni is feeding the public with all sorts of garbage investigation findings with the hope of distracting the public from Kean’s murder case.

Now with his move to the Police Commissioner’s official residence at Ratu Sukuna Road, full-chow Teleni is comfortably settling in to his new found high life which is also giving him an inflated belief that he can do anything to fool the people.

As for Francis Kean, word has it that he is still getting full pay for doing nothing.



Graham Leung’s application to have his travel ban case heard in court soon should bring a sigh a relief for many others who are on the blacklist.

While we here at WFC have no doubt that he will win his case hands down, we should be noting the moves behind the scene of people like Aiarse Khaiyum and his string of warped members of the judiciary.

Don’t be suprised if Leung’s case will be drawn out until kingdom come. Just like the Rabaka, Verebasaga and Tevita cases.



WFC international relations sources say Driti’s chances of becoming Fiji’s Ambassador to Malaysia is facing a major hurdle.

The Malaysian government is bombarded with strong resistance lobby groups not to accept Driti because of his instructions and involvement in human rights abuses at his Nabua torture chambers.

WFC have established that Human Rights watch and other similar organisations are putting alot of pressure on the Malaysian government to reject Driti’s name.

Another such lobby group is Laisa Digitaki’s political friends who are using her affidavit naming Driti as the man who cocked a gun to her face on X-Mas eve. In her statement, she explicitly described the beatings and the abuses inflicted by the Driti-led team on her and four others ,which included her business partner, Imraz Iqbal, Fiji Women’s Rights Movement Director, Virisila Buadromo and two pro-democracy youth members, Pita Waqavonovono and Jackie Koroi.

WFC sources say that Digitaki was scheduled to fly to Malaysia from Australia but was stopped by the immigration people in Nadi.



Suprised?……… We aren’t!

Calls by the new Ombudswoman, Shaista Shame, that the military regime let go of all those banned from traveling for speaking out against the junta is a cheap shot at trying to win some quick brownie points by this bleach-haired witch.

No point in yapping now aye Shyster …. the baby has pooed in your face again.

She knows the travel ban will back-fire and as a known coup schemer, she is beginning her new found addiction and that is, to do good to the anti-coup fighters with the hope that it might shorten her jail term.

Even Naupoto, the Director Immigration, is having a difficult time trying to swim out of the mess and this afternoon, he admitted that he is helpless to do anything and that banning dissidents from travelling freely is illegal. Duh, then get out of there Naupoto and walk your stinking talk. Naupoto knows his name is already metioned as one of the defendents in the upcoming cases lodged by the banned individuals and he is ducking for cover.



Dear WFC

Did you hear about the latest idiotic utterances of our IG PM . At the reguregu of late Jowasa Volavola yesterday. Bainimarama after been seated drank the first cup of the IG cabinet’s delegation and said “Levu tiko mada ga nomudou lavo to the people at the Funeral in Kinoya.
What a slack thing to say at a funeral? please let the bloggers know because he doesnt really care even a funeral seems funny to him



Military Girl Slips Immigration Net

FijiTimesOnline reported yesterday that the daughter of a Fiji soldier managed to beat the immigration ban net imposed by New Zealand and addressed a youth parliament in Wellington. You can read the full story here.

Personally, I wasn’t going to say anything about this because she is after all a young lady and did not need to be attacked on the blogs.

But then I read some of her comments and thought to myself, well hell if she’s gonna come out publicly to say…

“I told them that our situation her in Fiji is calm and normal and not like what the media has portrayed and we have accepted what has happened and we needed support from our neighbours like New Zealand to move forward.”

…then I think she should be subject to the criticisms of the people in Fiji who don’t agree with her conclusions.

First, young madam, the people of Fiji have NOT accepted what has happened.

That is the view of your dad and his mates in the military - not the rest of the right thinking free citizens of this country.

So get your blerry facts right!

Second, the situation in Fiji is no where near normal.

Anyone who speaks out against this regime is hit with travel bans (see Graeme Leung, Laisa Digitaki, Shamima Ali cases).

Militarisation of the government (and quasi government) bodies is still underway and good people are being replaced on a regular basis with underqualified military officers under the excuse of a necessary “clean up campaign” which has until now produced no evidence whatsoever of corruption.

So get your blerry facts right.

When asked about the threat by NZ to push for suspension of Fiji from peacekeeping duties, she said:-

“What will do if you take this away from people in Fiji. What other opportunities are available for them as a lot of our families have come to depend on these tours for their livelihood…

…I asked them that they think of the consequences of the decisions and the people who would be affected.”

Well maybe your dad and his mates should have thought about that before they took over the lawful elected government and sent this country on a one way trip down shit creek.

Finally, when asked about whether she supported the coup, she said:-

“I told them that it was not about my support but about how we could help to move forward.”

Well shit a brick, methinks this girl has been brainwashed by Baini Marama’s proproganda unit.

I rest my case.

She is clearly a spokesman for the military not for the youth of Fiji.



A common saying states that “the fall of a nation does not occur overnight. It develops in proportion to wisdom’s decline”.

Fiji is in a pivotal moment in history. We have to stop making excuses for why we can not fight this important warfare.

It’s time to stand up and say we will be the last generation to allow the spirit of illegitimate coups to over-rule us.

We may not know when, where, or how to move forward from here but we will still have to move forward nevertheless through faith.

People of Fiji, THERE IS A GOD IN FIJI! He is the God who fathered creation, and He declared His Son to be the King. God Almighty must be exalted always!

Be aware! What we are seeing is the re-Islamization of Fiji and the Pacific.

The motion has been set for the arrival of this religio-political movement headed by the wicked one. Frank Bainimarama is one of this territorial strongman used to spread the Islamic belt.

What is this re-Islamization?

Log in tomorrow as we give you another dimension to what is happening in our beloved Fiji.



Ulukau of The Week

The Award for ULUKAU of the Week definitely goes to that idiot Police Officer on FijiTV last night.

Anyone who watched the FijiOneNews at 6pm yesterday will know exactly who HnC is talking about.

The news item was on the FICAC raid on FIRCA Head Quarters yesterday afternoon (with support teams from the Police and military) - it was like a bloody action movie out there!!!

Footage of the raid was aired on FijiTV as the Police and the military blocked off access on both ends of Gordon Street in front of the FIRCA Office.

Why they felt they had to go through all of that is anyone’s guess - but for me I think they’ve been watching too many movies.

The ULUKAU I am refering to the Police Officer who kept chasing the FijiTV camera man and news crew away telling them not to film the raid.

The ULUKAU I am refering to is the Police Officer who was acting with the same arrogant subjugation with which the military have been putting the people of Fiji through since 5/12.

The ULUKAU I am referring to is the Police Officer who should have known better than to treat free citizens with the kind of arrogance typical of the military. He should have known that the people of Fiji are already fed up of the brutality being meted out by the military and do not want or need the same bullshit from the Police Force.

Have the “Joint Operations” with the military caused this ULUKAU Police Officer to forget (or disregard) his training at the academy.

Doesn’t this ULUKAU Police Officer remember that his job is to serve and to protect the public and not to hassle and abuse them!!

The actions by that ULUKAU Police Officer was an embarrassment to the Fiji Police Force.

If it is a sign of what we can expect from the boys in blue under the leadership of ComPol Full Chow Teleni, then we are in deep trouble.

The actions of that ULUKAU Police Officer are a testament to the stupidity and arrogance of those in the disciplined services who think they HAVE TO abuse people just because they can get away with it, for now!

HnC calls on any bloggers out there who know this Police Officer’s name to please publish it so that we may know where is from.

I want to know where is this idiot’s village, his tokatoka, his mataqali, his yavusa.

Does he have a wife, children, brothers and sisters or living parents.

The family of this man should be ashamed of their son and brother because his actions yesterday - however trival they may have seemed - was about as unFijian as one can get.

The officer himself should be ashamed for adopting the arrogant and “no-care” attitude which we have come to expect only from the military…

…you blerry ULUKAU!!!



What will it take for the IG and Col Kurusiga to realise that in to order eradicate endemic corruption in Fiji, there must be one rule applied to all without exception.

The selective manner in which the IG and Kurusiga team are investigating the NLTB and specifically targeting Qarase is becoming so obvious,the IG is scrambling to find any dirt to throw at Qarase to restore some credibility to their already lost cause.

Again, in their blatant crusade, they have by-passed major legal hurdles, which will cause their demise should the matter proceed to trial.

Allegations of condoning corruption and mismanagement implicate the whole Board and can not be restricted to Qarase alone.

Section 3(1) of the NLTB Act [Cap 134] defines the Boards composition, as: Ratu Josefa as President, Qarase as Chairman, GCC nominates five members,FAB nominates 3 members from names submitted by the Provincial Councils and not more than two names from other races appointed by Ratu Josefa.

Section 4(a) defines the quorum as five and from the other four, two shall be Fijians.

Section 4(b) states that questions before the Board shall be decided by a majority of votes an in case of a tie, the person chairing the meeting shall have the casting vote.

So for any decision to be made by the Board, there first needs to be a quorum and secondly a majority of votes on a question before the Board.

It follows then that Qarase alone can not be held responsible for any Board decision because the decision needed a quorum and majority of votes or casting vote.

Section five allows the Board to make its own rules as to its own proceedings, which is normal business practice and most Boards adopt flying minutes.

It seems quite plausible the NLTB would have adopted this procedure to expedite certain matters, as its Board members would be scattered across Fiji.

It is also normal business practice for Board minutes to be circulated to members at least one week priorto its meeting, so members come preparedfor if they are unable to, have the opportunity to register their vote to the Chairman concerning certain issues listed on the agenda.

These are some ofthe questions, which willbe asked during trial, and the President will be subpoenaed if not charged to explain his role in the Board.

For instance, if the minutes do not reflect his vehemently, opposing any alleged illegal or improper practice, then he will be deemed to be condoning the same, irrespective of whether he attended the meeting or not because he had the opportunity to register his objection.

Therefore, Qarase is quite correct in asking why isn’t the President investigated as well?

For Col Kurusiga and Ganilau’s benefit,the investigationsshould not only include Ratu Josefa, but also extend to all Board members, irrespective of whether or not they were present at the meeting, otherwise their efforts will not amountto anything.

One disturbing feature throughout thisclean-up campaign is the great hatred the military has towards Qarase, which underlies all their effort and is seriously impairing their judgement and objectivity.

This crusade is becoming so personal, that it is dangerously going off on a tangent and losing any resemblance of rationality.

If the IG is fairinkum in eradicating endemic corruption in Fiji,then it has to apply one rule to all,otherwise it is doomed to fail.

Tui Savu



Fiji Coup News

Why Fiji is Crying


Stand up and Speak Out!

Jokes on the Junta

i Taukei


Rerevaka Na Kalou, Ka Doka Na Tui

discombobulated bubu

Good Men (And Women) Doing Something