Sunday, 22 July 2007

Ulukau of The Week

The Award for ULUKAU of the Week definitely goes to that idiot Police Officer on FijiTV last night.

Anyone who watched the FijiOneNews at 6pm yesterday will know exactly who HnC is talking about.

The news item was on the FICAC raid on FIRCA Head Quarters yesterday afternoon (with support teams from the Police and military) - it was like a bloody action movie out there!!!

Footage of the raid was aired on FijiTV as the Police and the military blocked off access on both ends of Gordon Street in front of the FIRCA Office.

Why they felt they had to go through all of that is anyone’s guess - but for me I think they’ve been watching too many movies.

The ULUKAU I am refering to the Police Officer who kept chasing the FijiTV camera man and news crew away telling them not to film the raid.

The ULUKAU I am refering to is the Police Officer who was acting with the same arrogant subjugation with which the military have been putting the people of Fiji through since 5/12.

The ULUKAU I am referring to is the Police Officer who should have known better than to treat free citizens with the kind of arrogance typical of the military. He should have known that the people of Fiji are already fed up of the brutality being meted out by the military and do not want or need the same bullshit from the Police Force.

Have the “Joint Operations” with the military caused this ULUKAU Police Officer to forget (or disregard) his training at the academy.

Doesn’t this ULUKAU Police Officer remember that his job is to serve and to protect the public and not to hassle and abuse them!!

The actions by that ULUKAU Police Officer was an embarrassment to the Fiji Police Force.

If it is a sign of what we can expect from the boys in blue under the leadership of ComPol Full Chow Teleni, then we are in deep trouble.

The actions of that ULUKAU Police Officer are a testament to the stupidity and arrogance of those in the disciplined services who think they HAVE TO abuse people just because they can get away with it, for now!

HnC calls on any bloggers out there who know this Police Officer’s name to please publish it so that we may know where is from.

I want to know where is this idiot’s village, his tokatoka, his mataqali, his yavusa.

Does he have a wife, children, brothers and sisters or living parents.

The family of this man should be ashamed of their son and brother because his actions yesterday - however trival they may have seemed - was about as unFijian as one can get.

The officer himself should be ashamed for adopting the arrogant and “no-care” attitude which we have come to expect only from the military…

…you blerry ULUKAU!!!


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