Sunday, 22 July 2007


WFC, I was reading this book and shivered when I came to the page explaining Adolph Hitler’s personality. It matches that of Frank Bainimarama and I have no doubt in my mind that Frank is Fiji’s Hitler.

Please post this so people could read it and decide for themselves.

  1. Frank like Hitler was good in suppressing all opposition and political protocol.
  2. On Jan 30, 1993 (correction, it should be 1933), Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. Soon after, a number of sound-thinking German officials sensed danger of Hitler’s policies and publicly critized him. These men were promptly executed in the so-called “blood purge” and the portrait of anti-christ began to emerge. Compare to Frank’s 5/12 coup and the torture and beatings of the 5 pro-democracy youths at the camp and others including the killing of our 3 citizens.
  3. Like Frank, Hitler has no personal loyalty to friends.
  4. Like Hitler, Frank has no regard for treaties with nations.
  5. Frank has several traits that is becoming prominent and similar in the behaviour of Hitler as follows:
  6. Their self-delusion is rampant.
  7. They are convinced of their own infallibility.
  8. They have one loyalty - their own cause.
  9. They are obsessed with presumed enemies - their accusations border on paranoia.
  10. They are without mercy.
  11. Both Hitler and Frank ARE NOT A MAN OF WAR BUT MASTERS OF CRIME.
  12. Through deliberate campaign of extermination, unarmed innocent people are harmed and murdered.
  13. But in the end, Hitler committed suicide. I’m predicting Frank will end up the same way.

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