Sunday, 22 July 2007

PER to Return Soon?

HnC has recieved unconfirmed reports that the military is preparing to reactivate the Public Emergency Regulations when the country goes on a nationwide strike on 19th July.

It is understood that Baini Marama is getting legal advice (from his legal eagles - MS Sahu Khan, MK Sahu Khan, I-Arse Khaiyum. Shyster Shameem, Nazhat Shameem and Mohammed Aziz - notice how they’re all muslim) that the nationwide strike will provide him with the perfect legal justification to ask (ie. order) the President to declare a State of Emergency.

HnC understands the military “Think Tank” have already developed plans for the re-deployment of troops to the capital city.

It is also understood that the military might even go further and declare martial law and might even abrogate the 1997 Constitution this time around.

This could mean that Fiji is headed down the same treacherous road that Pakistan is now travelling.

For the civillians of Fiji, this will mean the return of gun carrying soldiers to the streets of the capital.

It will mean the return of military checkpoints and the return of more unlawful detentions and beating and killings by soldiers loyal to Baini Marama.

This will mean that Baini Marama can continue to play God over the people of Fiji, indefinitely.

HnC understands that this is exactly what Baini Marama wants because ever since the PER was lifted, he has had to do battle on many different fronts and he doesn’t like the fact that his people keep telling him that his hands are tied by the law.

He wants the PER back so that can have the power to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it - without having to worry about the Courts, FLS, NGOs and the international community breathing down his neck.

Bringing back the PER and putting soldiers back on the streets is also imperative to maintain solidarity within QEB.

HnC understands that ever since the PER was lifted, the military have been showing signs of dissention within its ranks.

Getting soldiers back on the streets to face-off with a common enemy (ie. the innocent people of Fiji) is therefore a useful distraction for the rank and file in the military, who appear to be regaining their conscience since the lifting of the PER - ie. they’ve had more spare time to reflect on what they did!

HnC will post more on this new development as more information comes in.

Note that this post is not intended to discourage people from going on strike on 19th July.

People, you need to go on strike because if you don’t, Baini Marama WILL find another way to strengthen his grip on executive power over the country.

Folks, this madman is here to stay and the only way we can remove him and his bunch of (opportunistic) merry men is to stick together and starve them of money and essential government services.

Viva la Revolucion!!!


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