Sunday 24 June 2007

Australian High Commission Warned

HnC sources have confirmed that Australian High Commissioner James Batley was recently called in by the Foreign Affairs Ministry and warned that he will be the next to go.

This was done after Australian Army Chief General Peter Leahy speculated that Australia may send peacekeeping troops to Fiji.

Col “read between the lines” Driti was tasked with responding to the speculation by the Australian General, and has been very busy practising his media skills warning Australia to keep out. You can read some of his (over)reactions here. And here.

Australia of course felt Driti was over-reacting. You can read their comment here.

Driti has even responded to people writing letters to the editor. You can read about this on Rere Vaka Na Kalou Ka Doka Na Tui.

Whatever happens, Fiji should think very carefully about the consequences of expelling another diplomat.

We cannot afford another diplomatic standoff, particularly with Australia.

We will barely survive this one with NZ.

If Fiji kicks out the Australian High Commissioner, it will be the final straw that will surely break this camel’s back.


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