OK, brace yourself Fiji. We are heading for the big crash. The dollar will be devalued, the cost of fuel will rise next month and the cost of living as well. Time to take stock people. Save whatever you can, start planting your own food. Buy less from the shops and grow more.
Those of you who have relatives overseas please ask them to help those badly in need for money to make ends meet. Every second day people are asking me for money and it’s not funny anymore. I consider myself lucky to still have a job but for how long, I wonder.You noticed how the supermarkets are not so busy these days? Yes less people are buying and more are going without food. We have heard from the RBF of the looming disaster. If you have land thats sitting idle, start using it or get people to farm those lands for you. If you can, walk to work.
More and more the thought of going back to the village is becoming a reality.Thanks to Bani, this is going to be the worst situation economically and socially for Fiji. In the next few weeks I see a sudden rise in crimes. It’s already happening. People will kill for food to survive. Be extra vigilant. Protect yourself and property. Be good friends with your neighbors and start helping each other out. I know there have been a lot of racist rhetoric flying around in this site but friends, maybe the new Fiji is calling you today.
Despite the hatred and venom going back and forth about the major races, I still see the day when we can work this out together. Stay focused WFC bloggers, and be the good men and women doing good for Fiji.
One of my neighbors was robbed as she was going to do her shopping on Saturday in broad-daylight. She did not bother reporting it to the police. Waste of time she reckons. Given the state of the police these days, I don’t blame her. So the military-backed FICAC is investigating the police. Hell the police have always been corrupt ever since I can remember! Just another diversion by the gals in Nabua.
Anyway, I urge you bloggers, our struggle is a non-violent one. Do not give the military terrorists cause to label us the same as them. Remember the big difference is this,WE NOT HAVE BLOOD ON OUR HANDS, LETS KEEP IT THAT WAY! Eat you heart out rrfc, Ali Loyal-military-thug Fijian and pro-military terrorists apologists!
Threatening violence to people and infrastructure may be the quickest solution, but it will lead to more violence. DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. Look at Palestine. Other blog sites like Loyal Fijian have called the civilian deaths as “casualties of war”. Easier said when its not happening to you. Our regular visitor “chemical Ali” still blogs on and totally avoids my questions. Are you a murderer too Ali? How dare you tell us these people are casualties of war! Lets resist this evil with non-violence and love! Peace mada Viti Lomani…..
God Bless.
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