Friday, 29 June 2007

Northern TF’s Discharged

FijiTimesOnline reports that Baini Marama has discharged all TF’s in the Nothern Division so they can return to their homes. You can read the full story here.

HnC says this is, at least, a step in the right direction.

Whether the interim PM did this to honour his commitment to the EU or because he is running out of money and can’t continue to support a large army is, at the end of the day, irrelevant.

The point that has been made here is that we are moving back to restoring democratic rule - albeit in very small baby steps.

HnC is prepared to commend and support every move that the military makes, however small, that takes us one step closer to democratic rule.

You see HnC is not anti-military, just pro-democracy (and the fine line between the two has been blurred because in this case the military was invloved in illegally usurping power).

Having said however, I feel I have to respond to the following comment by Baini Marama. He said:-

The contribution of the Territorial Forces to maintaining stability in the country during an unsettling time was a significant factor to the maintenance of peace… the military had made many enemies during this time of transition but good work will always attract a lot of criticism and enemies.

Okay. Did he just say “good work will always attract a lot of criticism and enemies”?

Why don’t we just apply some basic logic to that statement.

Baini says the military was “doing work”.

Baini says doing “good work” will always attract a lot of criticism and enemies.

The SDL Government attracted a lot of criticism and enemies.

Therefore the SDL Government was doing “good work”.

Just a thought.


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