Friday, 29 June 2007


In our previous RFC postings, we revealed how some prominent resort owners and tourist operators were very much involved in convincing Frank to carry out his 5/12 coup.

One such guy was Turtle Island Resort owner, Richard Evanson and his partner, Andrew Fairley. Frank, Epeli Ganilau and some other IG Ministers with their families have been frequent guests at Turtle Island where they are brainwashed on ways they can hold on to power for as long as they want. There, they were also provided legal advice on how to kill the RATU Bill and Qoliqoli Bill and how to effectively use their gun power to become rulers of Fiji.

While the Fiji Hotel Operators Association were complaining about the poor occupancy levels at their respective outlets, the ailing Richard Evanson retaliated with a press statement saying that his island resort is buldging on the seams with guests, but he didn’t say whether his guests were paying guests or simply FOC local toursists like Frank and Ganilau’s clans. WFC sources say everyone in the industry is hurting, including Richard and that his utterances was merely targeted at winning some quick brownie points with Frank

But talks in the tourism circle reveal that those who were fighting tooth and nail against the ousted SDL government in relation to the controversial RATU Bill are now slowly realising that this alternative military regime is turning out to be their worst nightmare.

Most of these hotel operators initially favored the 5/12 coup with the short term view that it will eradicate the RATU Bill, the Fijian affirmative action plan and other legislations mooted by SDL to protect Fijian’s interest. But the chopping of the Fiji Visitors Bureau marketing funds in the revised 2007 budget and Mahen Chodo’s latest “you people better start learning how to pay your own marketing campaign instead of relying on Fiji taxpayers money all the time” blurb that is giving them second thoughts about Frank and his merry man.

So who is to blame? The greedy resort owners who supported and financed the coup.


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