Friday, 29 June 2007


WFC have received first hand news that staff morale at FVB head office in Nadi and its regional offices overseas has taken a nose dive. Yesterday’s announcement that their CEO, Bill Gavoka was calling it a day was clear sign to them that this junta will takeover their positions one by one, replacing them with their own coup supporters.

Gavoka’s resignation followed the exit of his deputy and Director Sales & Marketing, Jo Tuamoto, whom WFC understand has joined Captain Cook Cruises.

WFC is reliably told that many of FVB’s senior staff have either resigned or have tendered their resignation following 5/12. And WFC fully understand why these highly specialised, experienced and qualified people are leaving. Who wants to serve a coup-addicted government who has absolutely no appreciation whatsoever to the sweat, blood and tears these hard-working sons and daughters of Fiji have put into promoting our Fiji to the rest of the world?

Everyone knows that it takes a decade and sometimes even more to court and nurture a new tourist market. And then it only takes a stupid coup de’tat by some idiotic self-serving individuals to kill tourism overnight putting all the spent marketing dollars and long years of trying to a complete waste.

Now we hear the endless no-brainer calls by Big Mama Bernie and Mahen Chodo to re-focus our tourism marketing efforts to new unpredictable markets like India and China. Can tell that these two and their coup clux clan have no idea how the global tourism industry works.

Now with our best tourist specialists in FVB resigning, it is only a matter of days when new bums will seat on their chair calling themselves the self-professed Fiji Tourism experts. But the only sad thing about this new breed of FVB staff is that they carry with them the “tourism terrorist” label that has won them the job, thanks to their sympathy and support they’ve extended to Frank’s coup clux clan.


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