Friday, 29 June 2007


WFC sources from within the civil service told us yesterday that ex-CEO of Fiji Visitors Bureau, Bill Gavoka, was told to go by none other than Big Mama Bernie.

The black pearly Big Mama was lying to the public when she rattled on endlessly during her radio interview with Legend FM News. She sounded just like a typical “broke” Ganilau, desperately clutching on to whatever handout and sympathy she can get from the public and it’s coffers. She purposefully ran away from answering the question on the real reason why Gavoka resigned and instead gave her indirect mercy speech directed at Mahen Chodo, the money man, to give them some tourism money after advertising in NZ was abruptly pulled back by FVB due to “no money in the kitty”.

But WFC can reliably tell you that the real reason why Gavoka was told to hand in his resignation by Big Mama Bernie was because of his truthful assessment of the New Zealand tourism market after the expulsion of Michael Green was confirmed. Gavoka was on record saying that the NZ High Comm’s undiplomatic treatment by the junta was going to have a very bad impact on their NZ incoming tourist numbers. An honest statement which Big Mama Bernie and coup coup nutty Frank didn’t want to hear coming from the FVB barracks. According to them, Gavoka should have said something along the line of, “huh, good ridence …. New Zealand tourist can go and get stuffed, we have the Indians and the Chinese coming.”

But Gavoka’s announcement that he will now prepare himself for the next general election is a welcome statement. WFC have no doubt Gavoka will make a much better Minister for Tourism than the “empty vessel” Big Mama ….. what yah say?


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