Friday, 29 June 2007

Schizophrenic Frankenstein

If you all ever one know why does Frank keeps changing his mind everyday on
the news. Well i got the answer since i work in a mental hospital. His case
is a schizophrenic one. Its a long-term mental disorder of a type involving
a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading
to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from
reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of
mental fragmentation. • (in general use) a mentality or approach
characterized by inconsistent or contradictory elements. Therefore Frank may
say one thing today and tomorrow he will say the opposite. This disorder
creates many faces on a daily basis due to the illness and many fantacy
(thanks to Mahen’s advise on the economy). It also creates an atmosphere
where you are not sure wots going to happen to you if live with this people.
More dangerous if your leaders become one. They can just change personality
within split seconds from being nice to being agro then goes into denial
again that it all didn’t happen. This illness can target, control and
sometimes can read peoples mind once you look at them in the eye. All those
that comes under his wings (leadership) will begin to think like him because
attention seeking is part of wot it creates. One can only see how lunatic
this Interim Government is gettin by the day through there many ever
changing promises about elections thanks to Frank who is now a



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